Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Hey y'all. I realize that i have bashed blogging for some time now. As i write this I can't help but feel slightly annoyed with myself, but i felt it was time to join the masses and become part of the trend.
In creating my blog, i would love to post great words of wisdom and amazingly witty comments, but it's very rare that i have either to share with a group. However, i do hope and pray that it may be even slightly encouraging to even one person. I realize how cheesy this sounds, but seriously in our everyday life how encouraging are we to others or how often does the topic of what God is doing in your life come up?? I know in my own life, i've grown up where there is a lot of negativity and i have covered pain with sarcasm, but i know for myself, i would like to be a more positive influence to others. Especially now that i'll be working with young people everyday, i want to be the adult that they can count on to be positive.
I guess part of what i've been realizing lately is that being accountable and having your friends keep you accountable is really important. I know for me that i haven't asked enough times for others to keep me accountable and also when i see something happening that really shouldn't staying quiet.
I know in the past i have been quite negative and sarcastic. I apologize for this, especially to those that i have hurt in doing so, please forgive my actions and by all means please keep me accountable as well.