Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Thursday, December 21, 2006


says the girl who is losing her voice and sounds like a duck. : )
Yesterday was a 14 hour day and today i was at school all day...oh my. Well, last nite, we had our elementary Christmas program. The nice thing about working in a Christian school is that it's actually a Christmas program and not some 'holiday festival' or some crap. It had a good message and i suspect that there were a few teary eyed people in the audience. My wonderful friend Helen came with me even though i left her to save our seats while i looked after my grade ones(The teacher was leading the drama so i was in charge of the kids-eep!). After tying 21 bandanas keeping them quiet and getting them in the right order onto the oh man. But it was fun. I tried hard not to do the actions along with them. : )

I also saw my fantabulous friend Amy on Tues. nite and Wed. for lunch. I really have missed the random giggle times, it's a good release from stresses. And a good conversation as well. Also went shopping with Matt yesterday for someone special's Christmas present.

Today, we had our grade one party, and the kids were hyper...and most of them coughing. Hopefully we all return healthy. I was quite surprised at the outpouring of gifts on my table. I have 3 gift certs., numerous baking items, a new mug, tea with cute holder deally and even a cookbook! It feels like Christmas already and i don't know where to put it all!!!! I'm thinking i need to have people over since i have a lot of chocolate items and am not so much a fan.

I also am almost able to change from one chord to another without stopping for like 5 minutes inbetween on the guitar. YAY!!!!