Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy Easter Indeed

Ever get tired of saying the same thing over and over and over again....ya.

New years eve was a crazy whirl wind day of wonderful. I went to church in the morning(and had someone to sit with!) and chatted with people i haven't seen in awhile. I then rushed home to change and pack my car with things needed for the evening. I hopped into moms car(with her) and we headed to Stoon Inn to meet some relatives for lunch, well brunch at 1pm. My uncle and aunt from Winn. were here and my aunt, cousins, and they little ones came. The food was really good-though i thought rather over priced. It was good to catch up and fun to spend time with 3 yr old Abby who is hilarious. She walks into the room and announces "I'm a big girl!" no hello...funny kid. I also saw Sammy who is 11 months already-it's crazy how fast little ones age.
At 350 mom and i raced home so i could grab my car(and pineapple) to get to my 415 hair appt. with Helen...(again, sorry for the lateness) Helen made me relax and enjoy it(thank you!). We then left the mall, bought a chicken and proceeded to ready ourselves for the coming eve and party.
It was really wonderful to see people I haven't seen in a long time. Even people from the city. It's become apparent more of an effort is needed to stay in touch with people. I'll have to try harder. A few games were played and laughs were had. A fun eve indeed.
