Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I looked outside this morn at the early hour of 630am and thought, man this is going to suck. But, i thought, hey, i'll try to get to Rie and Jer's and if it's too bad i'll call and say i can't make it. Just as i had one arm in my jacket Rie called to say don't bother. And with the warning that even Jer wasn't about to risk the highway so i should stay home as well. After getting off the phone, i thought to myself, "Self, you only have a half-tim job, seriously you want to risk your life and your car for 3 hours of work? Thats just stupid". I then called the pricipal and told his wife i wasn't going 8am, they closed all highways around Stoon (actually, and N. Battleford, Meadow Lake, and PA. and then later the bridges in the city and Circle Dr. eesh) I then got back into pj pants and curled up on the couch. I quite enjoyed that. Although there were a few moments of sigh what should i do now....i'm glad i stayed. I figured it was also time to make the brownies in a jar from one of my gr. ones. A blizzard and warm inside with brownies and a banana bread in the oven....sigh...i am content.
I am keeping all those who venture outside and all the poor homeless people in my prayers today.

So, is it odd that i'm craving a slurpee during a -33 day of blizzard? mmm...still not leaving.

i shot these after the post in a moment of boredom.

my street
I opened the door to get the mail...

Usually i can see down our street and down the half of the next one...hmmm.