Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Thursday, April 21, 2005

It's Like i have Class...or Something

Amy and i went to the ballet last nite. It was absolutely wonderful. I hadn't read the posters before and kind of expected this typical classical music-people in tight leotard deals. Wow, surprise and a half later.....The ballet was Cinderella, and set in the 1950's. Full of Big Band music, jazz, and ballroom dance stuff. The costumes were pretty cool too. First the symphony, then walking through the Mental(Mendal) and now the ballet-i feel so full of culture-or something. : ) The only problem is that the more i go to these deals, the more i want!

So, big thanx to Matty(you're my hearo : ) ). He fixed my blog to look all pretty yet again and fixed my flikr deal for me too-doesn't it look cool. What would i do without matty.....welll.... ; ).