Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Thursday, December 30, 2004


I know it's a bit early, but i was late on the Merry Christmas, so i figure it evens out. I've had a nice restful break.
- Happy to see friends who have come back from faraway lands (yes even Winterpig can be far :) )
- Enjoying not having to rush places and can shower whenever i feel like it : )
- Though i haven't really spent time with groups of friends, it's been kinda good
- I've enjoyed one-on -one time with people i haven't seen in awhile
- went shopping for sales....normally i'm not a fan of shopping-i think it helped that the last time was in summer for Panama
- Can't wait til my first 'real' payday on the 6th-then i'm really going shopping : )
- Looking forward to a good New Year's Eve
- Mom's new car transmission hasn't come yet-she's not impressed with the cavelier courtesy car
- i still haven't been able to play my new dutch blitz with anyone-very dissappointed in lack of game playing and fun with groups of people
-Almost ready to get back to working and being busy again
- I'm breaking my old new years resolution of many years past of not making them anymore and i think i'm out to make new friends this next year....not that mine suck or anything....i just want to meet new ones on top of the ones i already have.
- Now that Shanny's back, i want to go to Thailand, Costa Rica, Panama, etc.
- Thinking more and more about applying to Cal break. I think i may have the funds for it, so once i apply and if i'm accepted, i just may be going.
So, i think those would be my random thoughts in a nutshell...though it's really not a shell...and i'm probly the only nut, but whatever. Happy New Year one and all....Blessings for next year. : )