Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Thursday, November 25, 2004


So, finished all my stupid forms paid the rediculous $25 for the 2 lines saying i'm not a felon or child pervert, and some tax forms which always boggle my mind....and i'm officially a Teacher Associate Sub. for Saskatoon Public....YEAH!! i was hoping that i would soon get a call, but the lady in human resources said....oh wait...she said monday! Apparantly the sub call lady has been super busy so i'll pretty much start getting calls monday because tomorrow is parent teacher interviews at most schools. FINALLY! Something good to write home about....oh wait....well it's a nice thought anyway.
Stupid Sask Valley division still hasn't called, but at this point i'm really not too worried about it. Well, anymore that is. I really love Warman elementary and the kids there, and how could i not when they give me hugs and all want for my attention. : ) heehee....really it's all about me. haha. At the same time, for a while now, i've really been feeling called to work with inner-city Saskatoon in some way. I haven't been involved there at all, even though i knew that somehow i wanted to be there. I figured something would come up if that's where God wanted me. I also told Mr. Enns in my interview(that's right my old principal and someone my family knows-sweet! haha) that i wanted to work with students in that area. So, i was actually rather torn about whether i would accept an offer from valley if they gave it to me....this may be God's way of working things out for me in the end. I guess we'll just have to see where this crazy roller coaster leads to. : )

And a small funny story for the road. Feeling pretty darn good after leaving the school board, i wanted something to celebrate and bought a slurpee. mmm... Jivin' along to the Christmas choir music(man i'm a loser-but i have to know the stuff!) i stopped at a red light.....note to self, when excited do not take the straw out of the slurpee. At which point, the contents of the straw came out of the straw....and onto my pants. Serves me right i'm thinking as i take a sip and try to get the slurpee off my pants before the light changes. still excited i take a big sip....and get a painful burning in the roof of my wonder it says on the cup, may cause brain freeze! haha I then thought, well maybe it just serves me right for having a slurpee in winter. ; )