Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Sunday, April 24, 2005

What a Wonderful Day

It started with church. I really enjoyed church this morning. I like when they include hymns with newer music. Plus i really enjoyed the sermon. I always feel energized when Paul talks. It's like a pep rally. : ) I always feel like some action needs to be taken after i listen to him. Which is good-i like being inspired to become a better person.
The bbq at mark and drews was also quite wonderful-props to mark for the idea and drew as well for being generous of sharing your yard. It was good to talk to older and newer friends all at once. : ) Ball practice was also actually kinda fun. I did catch a very nice pop fly-though i think that'll be it for my coolness for the season. : ) I never claimed to be an amazing ball player at all-i'm a girl and they needed girls-haha. The exercise was quite welcomed as well. Then after stopping at home and cleaning up-it was off to play some volleyball by the river. And oh the laughs that were had there. Andrew kept us all laughing at his armlessness-and chic peas-oi. And that was with people i've really missed being around-but never get my butt in gear to make an effort-so that was quite wonderful as well. Plus the Freehouse after was fun.
A whole day pretty much, spent outside in the warm sun-oh wonderful bliss. Days like this always bring a smile to my face and a warmness in my heart. : ) Oh wonderful cheese.