Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Monday, October 03, 2005

So, i made a kid cry today...

It no longer phases me when i make a kid at school cry anymore. Seriously, i think parents these days are raising pansies. I told a kid not to use hands when playing soccer b/c he wasn't the goalie, and he started to bawl-grade 4 boy bawling. wow. My kids-if and when- will be way tougher then the pansies i see in schools these days.

I have now worked 7 days in a row(of possible working days). 5 of those were from requests. And i apparently even missed 2 requests working at other request schools. Overall, i think this is a good start to my working year.

However, i don't think i'll be TA-ing forever. I really thought that this is what God had planned for me- You're a TA-go TA and prosper. Now, i'm beginning to think i won't be doing this for years on end like most of the people i meet in schools. As much as i enjoy it (at times), i think God may have some other plans yet too.'s kind of like the annoying milk add...never stop growing. oi.

Happy note: my 3rd and now final cheque from the camp has arrivedd. YEAH!! I can finally survive again!! And a full tank of gas, not just with the $10 at a time kind of deal. : )