Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Life of Me

So, we had the sr. high allniter on Friday nite. I lasted til all of 2 am and bailed for my bed. When did i become such a pansey? I don't remember why i loved them so much, the next day was always brutal and i always treated my family like garbage. I've come to really appreciate my sleep, if and when i actually get some. I didn't even sleep after coming home that nite, and was rather grumpy all day anyway. Good thing i stayed home away from people. : ) Skipped church this morning because i finally was sleeping well. My dad told me i'm slipping-hmm...coming from someone who suddenly stopped going a couple years ago...

My wonderful plan of crocheting a whole whack (slightly more then a bunch) of things and selling them isn't working so well. (And yes, i realize how wonderfully lame i sound here-i have more then accepted my lameness-and seeing as how most of you have benefitted from that lameness-never you mind) I've told people no more free stuff, but now i need to make my sis mitts and now dad wants an afghan which is no small amount of work. ugh. The more he whines for one though, the less i want to make it, so i guess we'll see what happens. Now, if my hands would only hold out to do stuff, life would be easier.

I have a possible job opp. coming my way. It's definitely not in my line of TA-ing but we'll see with that too i guess. I wouldn't be able to finish the school year in stoon, and i'm not sure that it would really bother me. I found out from a principal whose becoming quite an asset to me with job information and plans to hound the hiring guy that the likelyhood of the schoolboard actually hiring more this year was slim to none. This new opp. would be something new and rather exciting for me and a definite use of my planning skills. I love working and planning with the youth group, but i know i could do so much more. If you think of me in the next week, please pray that God's will comes out in this situation for me. I'll be sending my resume in this week.