Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Wonderful Weekend

I went bowling on Sat. nite with a bunch of friends. That was rather enjoyable. My version of bowling seems to always entertain others. I'm sure there are a few dents in that lane that weren't there before as well. meh. (i'll post a few pic's of that and our roadtrip to moose jaw/regina soon)
On Sunday(toady i guess. : ) ), morning i opened my blind to see a blustery snowy day and thought, maybe i should stay home and crawl back into bed. Then i thought, well, i've missed the last 2 Sundays, and really shouldn't miss another, i should make an effort and go i guess. I even made it to Sunday School for our new Nooma series. haha....and so i watched....and it was all about Sunday, and how we go through the motions...and then we were asked if we had ever gone to church out of obligation or duty....hmm....haha God is funny. : D I really enjoyed the video. Get to the service, and oooh....not my fav. worship team, oh well, apparently the sermon is good....and i think to myself, self, it probly will be boring like always....and so begins the sermon....and i actually listen(well, and doodle-but actually listen) Oh right, Phillipians 4:6,7 hmmm, what was supposed to be my verse for last year, how did i do with that....maybe i should continue with the same for this year. "Do not be anxious...." haha again God. I definitely needed to hear that verse this morning-just as i had walked in worrying about something upcoming. The sermon summed up in my words..."less talk more pray" : D Now, to put that into action.