Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hooray...and a Yippy!!

The first 2 days without a computer were rather torcherous(it crashed saturday nite)...but the next two days, i hardly noticed it was gone. Kind of a blessing of sorts. I got tons of stuff done in the last couple of days-though i would have had to whether the computer was here or not.
-I drove mom and dad to the airport
-took the 'puter to get fixed
-took my car to get the molding reglued-though i have to go back again.urgh
-picked up my new spec's and contacts
-got a new job
-visited grandpa in the hospital
-picked up food
-worked on a wonderful friends afghan
-shoveled the driveway twice--every time i finish-it starts snowing again-i quit
-got food poisoning
no wonder i'm tired!!
