Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Monday, May 07, 2007

And the Screw You's Continue

Seriously??!!! I know God doesn't allow us more then we can handle-but seriously??? I do believe i am quite close to the edge of what i'm capable of.
So, on top of dealing with the funeral, dad got rather ill last week(he's on med's now and has to go for more testing yet again) NOW i find out YESTERDAY that TODAY is my LAST day at the shoe store. What the frick?! Here's the kicker-today i have been there 3 months. After asking if i was being let go 2 weeks ago and told no-i would never fire u.....what the crap. People are dumb.
hope you're all having a better week then me.
by the way-to the people i spent saturday eve with....i had a really good time. A definite bright spot in an otherwise crappy weekend. : )