Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Boo lack of sunshine

Home for the weekend
- getting sick
- have mice in our new living quarters at the camp
- now have plenty of room/rooms for anyone who wants to visit me
- not much to report
Alphabet Soup
Accent: Canadian
Chore I Hate: laundry
Dog or Cat: mmm...depends
Essential Electronics: computer, right now my dvd/vcr
Favorite Cologne: on guys...dunno...more into body spray right now
Gold or Silver: White Gold
Hometown: Saskatoon
Insomnia: not so much lately...though still occasionally
Job Title: Educational Assistant/Program Director-SBC
Kids: what about them? i see them with both jobs soo much...great birth control :)
Living arrangements: Living at a camp in a lodge with mice, random rental groups watching many episodes of Friends. and random visits home to s'toon.
Most admirable trait: not a fan of this one, i always feel so prideful when answering
Number of sexual partners: hmm....let's see.....
Overnight hospital stays: zero technically. i went in with a broken arm around 11 and didn't get home til 2or 3 so i guess it's close....
Phobias: I've learned i'm not a fan of mice, not really scared of though....hmmm...i worry way to much already who needs phobias
Quote: hmmm...any quote haha.... "There you stand like a duck in a thunderstorm again - aren't you ever going to understand? " W.A. Mozart
Religion: Christian
Siblings: 1 sister
Time I wake up: That depends on whether we have a camp or rental group. If not...whenever : )
Unusual talent or skill: tie a cherry stem with my tongue...sure that will be my talent...sigh.
Vegetable I refuse to eat: beans...not a fan at all
Worst habit: talking during movies
X-rays: oh numerous for possible broken arms and such and chest for pneumonia checking
Yummy foods I make: banana bread, cookies, rice, meatballs, peppernuts, asst. Christmas baking, etc.
Zodiac sign: Virgo...yippy...