Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

1 nite at home

I've been at camp for 1.5 weeks now. I'm hoping that when i return today, that the internet is actually working. My other program director didn't come out to camp 'til friday. Which makes me question why i had to be there doing nothing but watching movies. Oh well. Our trailer has been cleaned and i haven't seen any signs of mice yet(horray!). Right now we have no internet, no long distance phone plan, and no tv channels. So, movies it is. My plan was to go for long walks, but it's been so cold and yucky, it hasn't happened too much.
I came home last nite for the youth worship cafe. Man do we ever have talented kids in our group. I also really needed to pick up my work paycheck since i'm so very broke right now. haha. It was quit wonderful to sleep in my bed as well. I think my bed at camp is what is hurting my back. This morning, i'm off for a massage and then dinner with fabulous people before leaving again.
Aimee and i have most of our first camp( may long) planned so i think we're doing well. Now, we just need our camp accounts set up at various places (like michaels!!!!!) and we'll be off and spending and ready to go : ).
If anyone wants to send me 'real' addy is Box 308 Strasbourg, SK S0G 4V0