Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Monday, March 27, 2006


Mother of pearl. I look like i'm pregnant when i try to sit down. I'm not by the way. My back has been killing me for a couple of days due to overuse, lifting a bed/boxspring alone and a few other things. And everyday, i do other things that just make it worse. Like today, i went downstairs to work out and hmm...carpet new color....wait, that's the color of WET. sigh. Spent 1 hour sucking up water and the hose is made for vertically challenged people. I spent a lot of time kneeling in the water just so it wouldn't hurt my back...then i realized...oooh pilates ball has new benefit. It's the perfect height to sit on as i vacuum up water-hurrah, get rid of water and workout legs. haha. I then went and shoveled snow off the deck. i think it's time for that tylenol 3 and a hot bath. : )
You would think i should have been smart enough when i injured my back in the first place a few years ago, with a nasty first(and last) snowboarding experience but no. And i'm still paying....not quite worth it.