Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Plans and such

It's funny how my plans are not God's plans. I have learned time and again when i plan my life out without prayer, it seems to go the opposite in every way possible. Funny how this seems simple and yet, my grasp of the concept hasn't been there.
I had been wondering/thinking about possible summer plans way back in January (i like to be organized what can i say?!) and i actually thought to pray about what God may want for me this summer. I thought about my different options and thoughts of going somewhere on a missions trip came up but i didn't know where. That Sunday, someone i had met the previous summer on SPLASH ( the missions trip to pierceland SK.) was telling me about different parts of their missions trip to Africa and out of the blue tells me to go to Panama-to led me to think-how the heck would i get there and whyfore?? Only to later learn that our church was sending a team. Odd, but God given-hmm... so i prayed....and prayed...and then prayed some more...just making sure God wasn't making a mistake. Well, i figured i may as well apply-what's the worst that could happen? So, as of today, i am going to Panama-the girl who has never been out of Can./US, never been on a plane, never been gone for 22 days away straight from everything. And so i said to myself-self, we're in for a ride. I'm scared, and excited-i know there is a purpose for me on this trip and already had something happen in my life because of it (that's something u'd have to ask personally i think).
I also did something i never thought i would do again-i applied to camp. I really thought i was done with that-leave it to the younger kids-but no, God says i have a purpose there as well-i don't know what and i haven't even received an acceptance dealy yet-who knows what will happen.
After this experience-i fully intend to continue praying about what God will have me do-it's really rather exciting i think-this way, all my ideals, my insane attempt at organization my numerous plans for my life are all thrown out and it's a continuous surprise of opportunities i totally wouldn't have considered before. As i said before-who goes to Panama? apparently i do-guess i have a lot of plans to make-better start praying now. : )
Good thing i had a sudden urge to start learning Spanish last semester!