Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Friday, June 04, 2004

All Done

Well it's officially over and done with. I is a graduate yet again. I had my TA grad last nite-and it really wasn't a big deal. As usual our class was in the back and talking through the whole program-but we had more fun goofing around then listening-we didn't even know we had a principal! Apparently he's also not the janitor-whoops!
It was good to see my classmates again-our class was tight :) though i'll probly keep in touch with only a few. Our class was interesting-basically the non-Christians and a bunch of mennonites-heehee-which led to some interesting debates which went on forever! Yet we got along for the most part. The cool thing was that a friend from Hepburn sings at her church sometimes and invites one of the non-Christian girls from our class to hear her-and this last week she went and is considering going again.:) yeah! It's cool to see God working in our class.
And now off to get ready for a weekend of fun with our grade 12 youth kids at our 'undisclosed location' heehee. I'm excited-it's supposed to be super hot-i'll come back crispy as usual!