Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

I Can Walk!...almost

I went to I-40 with our grade 12's this past weekend and had a really awesome time. It was really good to catch up with some of the grads who have been pretty busy lately, and also with some of the other leaders whom i haven't spent a lot of time with lately. It was really good to get away for a couple days to enjoy God's creation. The beach was pretty fun too-even with the nasty leg burns.
20 days til i leave for camp adn 39 days til Panama-not that i'm counting. I'm getting less excited and more worried about stuff that needs to be done and a little scared about running off to the jungle-being the ignorant city girl that i am. Oh well, such is life. :)