Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Shots Party

Well the party is done, and i am sleepy. Though, i'm wondering if it's me or the 2 needles i got that are making me as such. Thank goodness only one arm is sore, i was worried about not getting any sleep(i sleep on my sides only), but looks like we're good to go.
Man, there was soo much food, the people at Healthserv know what they are doing! So friendly and nice. If anyone need immunization for stuff, let me know and i'll hook u up!
It's really good to know the details of my packing list too-i think i may need some trial packing times before the big day. I know that i am super bad for being over-prepared and over packing.
28 days and counting!