Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Discontent with Contentment

Lately, i have had a feeling of discontent. I think it may be a combination of things. I realize being stuck alone in my house all day does not necessarily help, nor does being broke, however, those are not the only reasons.
When i decided to take a leap of faith and go to camp and Panama this summer, one of the difficult things was for me to leave my friends for pretty much the entire summer. However, the summer turned out to be the best ever, and it wasn't as difficult as i first thought. Now that i'm back though, i have a confession of sorts. It's been difficult getting back into being with friends again. Being surrounded by Christian influence all summer was awesome, it was good for me. It was really good to just clean out my mind, and conversations. I enjoyed goofing around as well as actual meaningful conversations. Since i've been home, i've really been missing that-not that i haven't had a single meaningful conversation here-but majority is all surface. I find it hard going back to what i was before i left for summer, and i don't want that at all. I want to think and talk with integrity and to be able to hear others talk with integrity. It's gotten to the point where i want to go back to being a hermit or meet new people. It sucks when all we as Christians can talk about is sex, drugs and drinking(and i find myself guilty of this as well). I guess in coming home from all the experiences and such, i now have to hold myself with greater expectations of own conduct, i don't know, maybe it sounds like i'm judging people here-i'm really not trying to-i just want to encourage us all to go beneath those surface 'i'm fines' and see what is there.