Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Thursday, September 23, 2004

First Day

Well, i survived my first day as an official sub EA(Educational Assistant). Apparantly the name changed again. I really wasn't nervous,which was odd because i worry about everything! Even things that really don't need to be worried about. I knew i'd get lost in the school(maybe even a little in the town of Warman-haha), and i knew i would have to ask questions. I think i felt more reassured about how the day would go because i have already finished 2 intern deallys. Today was pretty similar to my experience in Langham. Although, i wasn't expecting anyone to eat their glue stick, then eraser, book, box, desk, oh yes and an entire fist-which had been covered in glue first. Oh's funny though-in these situations, my brain just says, nope, not weird at all, this is a perfectly normal situation for you to be in at this point in time. I give props to the parents of kids with disabilities-my goodness. Dealing with children with severe behavioural disabilities almost puts me to the end of patience-wow they are amazing-having to do it all the time.

Still waiting to hear if i have an interview in the other schools i applied to work-Warman being one. Also, apparantly the EA's call there own subs-and the girl i subbed for was brand new so she didn't call-which is awesome because now-they have met me and will have my number and i will get more calls! yeah!