Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Monday, March 28, 2005

Haven't been blogging lately i guess

It's been awhile. i haven't really had anything to say. Still don't i guess. I'm off to Edmonton for a couple days of fun to visit a Bible school friend. We're not planing on doing much of anything and i'm more then okay with that. I think more so because i'm not in Saskatoon doing nothing-i'm in another city which makes it acceptable.
On Saturday i went with Amy, Tim and 2 strays he brought home from school to the zoo. It's FREE right now until April 14. I'm into free. : ) There's still most of the animals around. Four out of 5 of us had cameras along and we looked like Japenese tourists. Which only became more comical when the guys started in Asian accents. The day just kept getting better. After the zoo Amy and i shopped-well, in 1 store for an hour-but we both found stuff-yeah! My mom made a wonderful supper which Amy and i decided-hey once again-FREE! :-) Later to play Dutch Blitz until 3 am with some surprisingly competitive guys.

So, i've got my wonderful new dig. camera and now a flikr account-just don't seem to know what to do with it now. :-S