Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

My Hands smell like onions

I love making turkey dinner, especially the dressing and bubbat.(yes i know half of u have no idea what that is--white cake with raisins) I don't love how the onion smell clings to my hands for days after. All i smell when i wash my hands, or rub my face is...onions...*sigh*.

My Christmas was relaxing, exactly how i think it should be. I've never had to be involved in those Christmas' where you have to drive to 1 province one day and try to get to another place another day. It seems like a lot of work. I enjoyed my family hang out time this i don't need to do it for awhile but hey. : ) My mother was wonderful and stuck to my list, and my sister bought me something that won't sit in my room and be clutter. : ) Well, part of it is stored, but that's okay. My sis bought me tea from Starbucks....not just 1 tea....12 Different kinds and 48 bags! heehee...i could have some fun with that. The other thing i'm really enjoying is my new pilates ball. I haven't used it for workout yet(this aft.) but it really is fun. haha, simple things please simple minds i know. : ) and yet...."Persons thankful for the little things are the people who are most thankful" Frank Clark (pretty sure)

Friday, December 23, 2005

I've got to stop doing silly net. quizzes.
Your Eyes Should Be Violet
Your eyes reflect: Mystery and allure
What's hidden behind your eyes: A quiet passion
What Color Should Your Eyes Be?


A few random pictures.

Lisa and 5 month old Nicholas. I am his teething ring and personal jolly jumper.

Heather and Libby(3 weeks younger then Nicholas.

Whooore frost.

Shanny, Becca and myself at C&C.

One of my youth girls(Mary) and myself.


Thursday, December 22, 2005


Yeah!! I'm officially on holidays!! Today was a total gongshow....and i enjoyed almost every minute of it. : ) The student i worked with just needed busy work...after 45 min.'s our class was called to do their part in the Christmas-oops-i mean Holiday Concert(ugh)...more busy work and then lunch. This afternoon we played snow soccer and had a class party with pop and junk food. heehee...i even got a gift from a student...and the principal! yeah me. I have no more things to think about minus a few last minute things for stockings...but other then time...most likely daydream time. : ) Tonite i get to see my friend...and Friday...Well!....i got nothin' meh. maybe some 'festive punch' : ).

I was going to post a few pic's from recent parties, however, it seems as though my batteries need recharging.

And...on a totally different note. If you see me and it looks like i have hickeys all over my neck...i really don't. In winter my skin decides to become sensitive and i can't wear my hair down or with hair spray...which was fine when i had long, i'm SOL. Oh well...try to be nice.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Tonite ends the last of the Christmas functions that i needed to attend. This last one was the youth Christmas banquet and watersliding party. As always, i thought the food was horrible, but tacos and pizza for a 'banquet' just aren't my thing. However, any chance to dress and spiffy up is fine with me. I needed an excuse to wear my strappy black heels. Even though my feet were numb by the time i got into the hotel, i enjoyed them emmensely. I definitely need more excuses to spiffy up and accessorize. heehee. I'll post a couple pics maybe later. Now i need bed because i work at 'my school' for the next 2 days. (Lakeview)

Friday, December 16, 2005

Christmas Parties

Here's a few pic's from our party at the girls house. I'll post more later, but i have another party to run off to tonite.

Wade and his and Crys' gifts...interesting.
Helen, Kerri and myself I've got Jesus! (someone wanted to get rid of Jesus...oh my)
Drew with Horse(Ben) and Sarah. Ben was rather intrigued by the little one. And the little one trembled when the horse was around.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Now it really does look like Christmas...which is fine, BUT i'm not a fan of crazy icey roads and no sand trucks out. What is with people shoveling their driveway snow onto the street?!?! Honestly! It makes driving even more difficult, AND it's totally illegal. grrr....

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Leader Retreat

A few pic.'s from the Sr. High leaders retreat. Not a fan of the layout so much but oh well. : )

There was some rather competitive Boggle during the weekend...I told them 'caw' is a word. YEAH!!

Luanne with Nicholas and Libby. We've decided that the babies will marry each other oneday. : )

Discussion time about small group...where else would you have it?

We played a newly made up game in the van for almost 2 hours using cheap smelly playdough. It's amazing what keeps people occupied for long periods of time.

Evening hang out time.


Sunday, December 04, 2005


I went Christopher Lake this past weekend for our Sr. High Leadership Retreat. Oh fun times. There was quite the game playing. I'm glad i found others who like games, since none of my friends like them. : ) Right now i'm rather chilled, and overtired...and i think my nose piercing has an infection. i'll have a couple pic's up soon enough...though right now, some curling under blankets and watching mindless t.v will make me quite content.