Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Boo lack of sunshine

Home for the weekend
- getting sick
- have mice in our new living quarters at the camp
- now have plenty of room/rooms for anyone who wants to visit me
- not much to report
Alphabet Soup
Accent: Canadian
Chore I Hate: laundry
Dog or Cat: mmm...depends
Essential Electronics: computer, right now my dvd/vcr
Favorite Cologne: on guys...dunno...more into body spray right now
Gold or Silver: White Gold
Hometown: Saskatoon
Insomnia: not so much lately...though still occasionally
Job Title: Educational Assistant/Program Director-SBC
Kids: what about them? i see them with both jobs soo much...great birth control :)
Living arrangements: Living at a camp in a lodge with mice, random rental groups watching many episodes of Friends. and random visits home to s'toon.
Most admirable trait: not a fan of this one, i always feel so prideful when answering
Number of sexual partners: hmm....let's see.....
Overnight hospital stays: zero technically. i went in with a broken arm around 11 and didn't get home til 2or 3 so i guess it's close....
Phobias: I've learned i'm not a fan of mice, not really scared of though....hmmm...i worry way to much already who needs phobias
Quote: hmmm...any quote haha.... "There you stand like a duck in a thunderstorm again - aren't you ever going to understand? " W.A. Mozart
Religion: Christian
Siblings: 1 sister
Time I wake up: That depends on whether we have a camp or rental group. If not...whenever : )
Unusual talent or skill: tie a cherry stem with my tongue...sure that will be my talent...sigh.
Vegetable I refuse to eat: beans...not a fan at all
Worst habit: talking during movies
X-rays: oh numerous for possible broken arms and such and chest for pneumonia checking
Yummy foods I make: banana bread, cookies, rice, meatballs, peppernuts, asst. Christmas baking, etc.
Zodiac sign: Virgo...yippy...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Moving Day came early...

Hey folks. So, we made it through our first camp of the season(family camp) and we survived. There were 50+ people here for the weekend ranging from something like 8 months to well...i'm guessing 80's ish. Nothing like being thrown in head first to plan. : ) Aimee's dad was the speaker and in the end also the worship leader for the adults while aimee and i took care of programing for the 20-30 kids. The age range was a little bigger then expected so we had to do some quick planning and sorting, but i think for the most part, the kids really enjoyed the weekend. Our two big events were 1. a team building game i had done at youth(complete with eating jalapinos...but getting nothing heehee) and 2. a carnival with games, popcorn, cotton candy etc. I think both went really well. The weekend was good for us to see how we work together and where we need to do some tweaking as well.

Today was supposed to be suntanning and reading day for the end of the camp a whack load of people invaded our trailer to see how many repairs were needed before the directors came...surprise... We were told that we would soon have to move out. So today, we watched movies instead of tanning, due to thunder storms not being condusive to tanning, and once the rain stopped, we moved most of our stuff to the lodge. Tomorrow will be trailer cleaning day. sigh. Oh well...we're being flexible : ).

I'll be home fri.-sun for anyone who cares to see me. : ). I'll be at Wade's thing on sat. but other then that i'm free.
Have a great week people.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Bringing Home Walter

horray for working internet again. : ) Actually, it's been a few days, but i haven't had time to update....well, yesterday i was just too lazy to come to the camp. Things are going well here. Aimee came out a week after i got here(oh what a long lonely week, without internet, long distance or reg. t.v.) and we worked the first weekend rental group cooking and vacuuming. It went quite well. We're getting along well, and in place of arguing we only seem to get giddy/giggly. Basically i don't think we should stay out here for too long of stretch alone haha.
The weather has been beautiful since Sat. though usually somewhat windy, but it's not snowing or raining so hey. Our work right now is pretty laid back. We have our first camp this coming weekend(May long) which is a 4 day family camp. We had to plan stuff for whole families as well as separate adult and kid stuff. I think the planning has gone really well and that we'll be ready by Friday which is great. : )
I think the country is growing on me....not literally....though it is tick season and i'm still rather paranoid.(no i didn't take the tick repellent advice from a few 'wise' friends of wearing underwear over pants. ; ) ) I've come to really appreciate the lack of city noise. Not that it's quiet out here...i didn't realize how LOUD it was in the country! haha. so many noises...but it's i dunno....just beautiful. I plan to sit on the deck by the lake this aft. as well. Hmmm...maybe i'm not missing dressing nice and repeating myself to kids all day....
We eat our suppers at a couples house less then a 5 minute drive from our trailer. They offered to the director to do this, and it's going a lot better then i thought it would. The couple is wonderful. She likes to play games(YAY! heehee) We played Phase 10 the other nite and even though she can't remember my name....she still smaked me when i went out haha.

I did indeed finally by my fish. Though instead of the planned fantail turned into a third beta fighting fish. Driving back from Regina, i decided that he really wasn't a Ziggy like originally behold i now have a fish named Walter.

One final thought....i'm still trying to wrap my thoughts about this crazy thing country people don't do--lock doors!! Our trailer house doesn't have a key seeing as how it's never been locked haha...and Isabelle(the supper lady) said we could come over while they're gone for 10 days to watch tv or eat....again, this intrigues me. I am slowly getting used to things. : ) Oh city girl.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

1 nite at home

I've been at camp for 1.5 weeks now. I'm hoping that when i return today, that the internet is actually working. My other program director didn't come out to camp 'til friday. Which makes me question why i had to be there doing nothing but watching movies. Oh well. Our trailer has been cleaned and i haven't seen any signs of mice yet(horray!). Right now we have no internet, no long distance phone plan, and no tv channels. So, movies it is. My plan was to go for long walks, but it's been so cold and yucky, it hasn't happened too much.
I came home last nite for the youth worship cafe. Man do we ever have talented kids in our group. I also really needed to pick up my work paycheck since i'm so very broke right now. haha. It was quit wonderful to sleep in my bed as well. I think my bed at camp is what is hurting my back. This morning, i'm off for a massage and then dinner with fabulous people before leaving again.
Aimee and i have most of our first camp( may long) planned so i think we're doing well. Now, we just need our camp accounts set up at various places (like michaels!!!!!) and we'll be off and spending and ready to go : ).
If anyone wants to send me 'real' addy is Box 308 Strasbourg, SK S0G 4V0