Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Sunday, April 24, 2005

What a Wonderful Day

It started with church. I really enjoyed church this morning. I like when they include hymns with newer music. Plus i really enjoyed the sermon. I always feel energized when Paul talks. It's like a pep rally. : ) I always feel like some action needs to be taken after i listen to him. Which is good-i like being inspired to become a better person.
The bbq at mark and drews was also quite wonderful-props to mark for the idea and drew as well for being generous of sharing your yard. It was good to talk to older and newer friends all at once. : ) Ball practice was also actually kinda fun. I did catch a very nice pop fly-though i think that'll be it for my coolness for the season. : ) I never claimed to be an amazing ball player at all-i'm a girl and they needed girls-haha. The exercise was quite welcomed as well. Then after stopping at home and cleaning up-it was off to play some volleyball by the river. And oh the laughs that were had there. Andrew kept us all laughing at his armlessness-and chic peas-oi. And that was with people i've really missed being around-but never get my butt in gear to make an effort-so that was quite wonderful as well. Plus the Freehouse after was fun.
A whole day pretty much, spent outside in the warm sun-oh wonderful bliss. Days like this always bring a smile to my face and a warmness in my heart. : ) Oh wonderful cheese.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

It's Like i have Class...or Something

Amy and i went to the ballet last nite. It was absolutely wonderful. I hadn't read the posters before and kind of expected this typical classical music-people in tight leotard deals. Wow, surprise and a half later.....The ballet was Cinderella, and set in the 1950's. Full of Big Band music, jazz, and ballroom dance stuff. The costumes were pretty cool too. First the symphony, then walking through the Mental(Mendal) and now the ballet-i feel so full of culture-or something. : ) The only problem is that the more i go to these deals, the more i want!

So, big thanx to Matty(you're my hearo : ) ). He fixed my blog to look all pretty yet again and fixed my flikr deal for me too-doesn't it look cool. What would i do without matty.....welll.... ; ).

Monday, April 11, 2005

Nite out

You know life is becoming mundane when you can't remember what you did on the weekend and part of it was at your own house.
I went to the symhony on Saturday night, with 4 other wonderful people. They symphony was amazing! : ) i think it was the best one that i've been to yet. Thomas Yu was also very amazing. I like that i knew him-way back when-or at least in high school. He had a perm-haha. And we all thought he was good then already-but wow! Oh to be super good at something.
Guess it's another day at home for me. I did get a call this morning-for a non-preferred school and a.m. only so i thought i'd hold out for an all day assign. hmmm...that never came-silly me. I doubt it'll be nice enough to suntan again though. Last week was wonderful for that. I got my first sunburn of the season! : )

Friday, April 08, 2005


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

photos eh

okay so i now have flikr. Una problema-i have no idea how to get it hooked to my blog like all you other cool people-help!! i got the uploady deal to flikr-but i'm sadly lost after thus.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Good Times

My trip to Edmonton was wonderful. I spent a lot of money-though i'm not sure where it all went. I went with my friend to Edmonton's South Common-a most wonderful area to shop. It has a whack of big box stores and it's close to IKEA and the Olive Garden(mmm). It was good to see my Bible school friend again. Man i love roadtrips-even driving alone. I like driving.
Not really looking forward to work tomorrow-that is if i get called to work. It's getting hard to motivate myself for work. I realize i've only been working for a couple of months too. I think i've had my fill of subbing. I like to know what is happening and to be able to plan relatively for the future. Subbing doesn't allow me to do that at all. I would love to know what the next day holds for me-here's hoping for a perm. position come fall-or maybe an adventure should be had otherwise.