Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


So, i told the new place that i can start on aug. 8th and i'm done at reitmans on the 30th. That means i get holidays after all!!! Now where to go/who to see....hmmm.... : ) Anyone up for camping?

Sunday, July 15, 2007

What's New

-played in a ball tournie yesterday-we won the 'B' side final. I have one goose egg, a bunch of bruises, a couple of sore muscles and one MVP award
overall, a very good day, though uber uber hot.
-our A/C died yesterday as well, not good after 8 hours in the sun
-my sis is still going to bible school in fall(therefore party at my house when the 'rent's take her)
-i still am enjoying my pretty blue car(bellini if you will-means little beautiful one)
-i got another new job this past thurs. -mon-fri 9-5 (most likely not going back to the school-but unconfirmed as of yet)
-i'll be quitting reitmans this week
-i started with my mentor student this week as well
-i've gone from working surrounded with Christian people to submersed in inner city life....and i believe i'm okay with that.
And i have a fabulous tan haha.