Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Monday, February 16, 2004


i was checking out different blogs on people's sites and came accross this game. i have it linked at the side-u click on the hairy white thing and then as the penguin drops u click again to whack it and then see how far it goes. No worries, no real penguins were harmed in the making of the game!

Saturday, February 14, 2004

i know a girl

I know a girl who has been hurt over and over.
People ripping her spirit apart,
'til there is nothing left.

I know a girl who is lost and alone.
There is no where to turn,
except to those who hurt more.

I know a girl who can't run from the hurt.
It follows her everywhere,
though she tries everything to escape.

I know a girl who is consumed by pain.
He follows her everywhere,
tearing her up but not letting go.

Her tears could fill an ocean,
but they never run dry.
She tries to run, but he always finds her,
'til there is no more girl.


Wednesday, February 11, 2004

it happens again...

Every single time that i have started to feel like life is starting to be really good-something happens. First grandpa died, that summer grandma had pneumonia and dad had a stroke, the next year my uncle finds out he has cancer, grandma dies shortly after. Now this year struggles with pam and today my uncle called-after thinking he was in the clear-his body is full of cancer. God has taken 2 of the people that have meant the most to me, and now a third may soon follow. And all i can think is will it ever end?

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Uh Oh

I have a final tomorrow-a final worth 30% of my final mark. It's too bad i slept 3 hours last nite and really have had a crummy day. So, basically i'm really struggling, haven't slept(so i'm grumpy) and oddly enough can't motivate myself to study. Though it's also partly from the lack of study notes provided-but whatever. And the stupid football game wouldn't quit so now i'm too sleepy to stay up for survivor.
I am also weighing different options for my summer. It's frustrating because i'm done in May and ready for a 'real' job, but what school hires in the middle of May-and besides that doesn't do a lot of good for summer. So if anyone has suggestions on what to do this summer(and no, please don't suggest getting married as seems to be the trend lately! :) ) Or, you could suggest some great stress relievers.(hmmm...could be interesting)
One last question to ponder, when taking medication that a person is not allowed to consume alchohol, is it bad to be doing drugs then?? Hypothetically of course.
So if u read this please, send a thought to God for me.