Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Time draws to an end

Thank you to the people who ask about my uncle and how he is doing. Also to those who have prayed for my family and my uncle. My cousin called from Vancouver, my uncle will soon join my grandparents in 'singing off the wall' in heaven. I guess i'll just have to wait for another time to make it through a whole year without a death.

my uncle passed away peacefully in his sleep at 230am(Tues. the 28th). He wasn't struggling to breathe and no longer has to be in pain or fear what is to happen. He's home with my grandparents now.
Grandpa passed may 28, 2002; Gran, june 28, 2003; Uncle Wayne, sept. 28, 2004

Thursday, September 23, 2004

My theme verse of the year

I work in a school system-i still live by the year starting in September.

Romanos 1210
Ámense los unos a los otros con amor fraternal, respetándose y honrándose mutuamente. 11 Nunca dejen de ser diligentes; antes bien, sirvan al Señor con el fervor que da el Espíritu. 12 Alégrense en la esperanza, muestren paciencia en el sufrimiento, perseveren en la oración. 13 Ayuden a los hermanos necesitados. Practiquen la hospitalidad.

Romans 1210
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

i couldn't resist-i miss panama soo much and Spanish-i'll have to get Caroline to help me out with that i think!

First Day

Well, i survived my first day as an official sub EA(Educational Assistant). Apparantly the name changed again. I really wasn't nervous,which was odd because i worry about everything! Even things that really don't need to be worried about. I knew i'd get lost in the school(maybe even a little in the town of Warman-haha), and i knew i would have to ask questions. I think i felt more reassured about how the day would go because i have already finished 2 intern deallys. Today was pretty similar to my experience in Langham. Although, i wasn't expecting anyone to eat their glue stick, then eraser, book, box, desk, oh yes and an entire fist-which had been covered in glue first. Oh's funny though-in these situations, my brain just says, nope, not weird at all, this is a perfectly normal situation for you to be in at this point in time. I give props to the parents of kids with disabilities-my goodness. Dealing with children with severe behavioural disabilities almost puts me to the end of patience-wow they are amazing-having to do it all the time.

Still waiting to hear if i have an interview in the other schools i applied to work-Warman being one. Also, apparantly the EA's call there own subs-and the girl i subbed for was brand new so she didn't call-which is awesome because now-they have met me and will have my number and i will get more calls! yeah!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Here's Hopin'

Well, i check the silly internet a couple times daily to see if there are any job postings. Oh yeah, today there is not one-but 5. Yeah, more applying. So, i have already sent three resumes and 3 cover letters (same one different school inserted) 3 times to the same person. Another can't do anything more but get me closer to a job. Well, at least i'm eager-not desperate-eager. I keep telling myself that anyway. I almost say cross your fingers but then think, man that's silly, i don't believe in that at all. Oh well, just keep prayin' just keep prayin' what do we do, we pray. (heehee, line from Finding Nemo-though altered slightly to fit my purposes. : ) )
Today, i received a letter from Sask. Valley saying that i am on the approved list for fall subbing as a TA. So, i guess i'm officially employed-just with no hours or money....hmmmm...what a crappy job! How do subs survive the first while?!

On a side note: i'll be housesitting for awhile if anyone is bored call my cell and come watch digital. Well, Saturday i'll be home for supper and cake.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Boredom is Taking over my life

I never ever thought i would say this, but man i really hate being unemployed!! I am sooo incredibly bored and broke. This is one very brutal combination. I think that i'm having some issues in the patience department. I hate not knowing what is happening in my job situations or when people may start calling me for sub days. I am a planner through and through. I like to make lists and organize things. Though my room isn't always a good indication of that. This waiting and not knowing is driving me nuts. This is making rather unhappy and i'm finding that i'm struggling to not become a hermit again. Sometimes hermiting is good, but not in extreme which is what i tend to do and not talk to anyone or go out ever, which is funny being bored and all. It's sad when i don't even make sense to myself.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Warm Fuzzies

I have had a really good day and half. Yesterday, i did something i haven't done in forever. I actually sat and watched TV for hours. Actually more like 7-i can't believe i did that. I think i just made up for not watching T.V. for months on end but wow. There was a CSI marathon on and i just couldn't resist. I was feeling kind of wonky anyway, so my body was more then happy just to rest all day. Normally i can't stand to just sit around all day and not even work out-but it was just what i needed. It was good. Today i am back to being productive and i feel just as good as yesterday. I even had a good amount of suntanning which made me very very happy. Even though it was around 13, our deck is sheltered and it feels like 20-something. Yeah for sun, sleep and being productive.

Side note: my uncle is still in the hospital. i was able to show him and my aunt all my pictures from panama and visit for a bit. I also got to see my cousins and my newest cousin Abby who's 9-10 months old-we had a good afternoon together-all 4 of us, not just me and the baby.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

It May be a Losing Battle Afterall

My uncles dying. It's been happening for some time now. A year and a half to be more precise. Just before my Grandma died. I was thinking last nite, please uncle hold on at least for another couple months. Could our family go for 1 whole year without another death, please? He was taken to Lanigan hospital this morning and is hallucinating. Mom's pretty sure it's not from medication. Mom and i were supposed to drive there tomorrow to go visit, but tomorrow may be too late. It's really hard for our family because we know that God is a healing God. My grandpa was miraculously healed of cancer when i was six, and people have told my uncle through the whole process that he too was to be healed. I'm afraid that having faith in this situation is rather difficult right now.

Update: Apparently my uncle was admitted yesterday at noon with an oxygen level of 47%-it's supposed to be 100%. They thought they may lose him. He is now awake and has an oxygen level of 79%. Mom and i will still go tomorrow to see him in the hospital.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Discontent with Contentment

Lately, i have had a feeling of discontent. I think it may be a combination of things. I realize being stuck alone in my house all day does not necessarily help, nor does being broke, however, those are not the only reasons.
When i decided to take a leap of faith and go to camp and Panama this summer, one of the difficult things was for me to leave my friends for pretty much the entire summer. However, the summer turned out to be the best ever, and it wasn't as difficult as i first thought. Now that i'm back though, i have a confession of sorts. It's been difficult getting back into being with friends again. Being surrounded by Christian influence all summer was awesome, it was good for me. It was really good to just clean out my mind, and conversations. I enjoyed goofing around as well as actual meaningful conversations. Since i've been home, i've really been missing that-not that i haven't had a single meaningful conversation here-but majority is all surface. I find it hard going back to what i was before i left for summer, and i don't want that at all. I want to think and talk with integrity and to be able to hear others talk with integrity. It's gotten to the point where i want to go back to being a hermit or meet new people. It sucks when all we as Christians can talk about is sex, drugs and drinking(and i find myself guilty of this as well). I guess in coming home from all the experiences and such, i now have to hold myself with greater expectations of own conduct, i don't know, maybe it sounds like i'm judging people here-i'm really not trying to-i just want to encourage us all to go beneath those surface 'i'm fines' and see what is there.