Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Monday, November 12, 2007


As i said to Caro, i would in fact start attempting to blog again and would post some pic's from the other nite...due to none of those people being on facebook haha. I went to Caro's for a potluck, and what a nite we had! The potatoes gave us the finger....i mean we ate finger potatoes, had kahlua brownies and wine....OH!!! and i almost forgot....the nites' title: Caroline's hairy ass potluck HAHAHAHAHAHA.....oh people, we laughed until we cried. I laughed i cried, it moved me bob...oh wait. : ) I'm not even going to explain-the rest of you missed out.
heehee....told you these were going up!

wow. the wine stayed in the glasses while taking the pic!
