Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Who knew that a giant dog, very mini beer, and wonderful friends were the key to a fabulous bbq? : ) I've had a really good weekend. It was really nice not to be totally stressed out about family health, issues and job stuff for a whole weekend. Playing ball friday nite was really fun even though i hadn't done that for 2 summers i didn't suck and was happy with that. I had two wonderful friends come watch and cheer me on...though usually when i was doing nothing haha. Alexanders was also fun with nachos, etc.
I worked little wienny shifts of 3 hours Fri., Sat, and today which make the afternoons go by quick and save off boredom. I'm in the lead for a contest at work which impresses the boss. I really like the girls i work with-there are younger girls around ish my age and middle age and a couple ladies who work to have something to do-mainly for the clothes i think.
I went to a fabulous bbq at Morgans farm. I like farms. I like the country. It was really nice to get out of the city even for a couple of hours. It was really good spending time with people I don't see enough of and laughing. I think laughter is amazingly medicinal. And people are right Caro....we will laugh at the mini drinks for awhile-but really it made the nite so good on ya. : ) We definitely need to continue having bbq's throughout the summer-or camping...camping would be fun too. : )

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Longing for Adventure


Wednesday, May 16, 2007


This afternoon i read a book. An entire book. No, not a fluffy fictional book. The word my dad used was 'compelling'. It's called "90 Minutes in Heaven" It will be the only book that i think every member in my family has read. It was really intriguing and quite a comfort with all the recent events. If you have ever struggled with the idea of Heaven or are curious i do recommend the book. It's one man's-a pastor actually-account of what happened to him after being dead for 90 minutes.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


For all you Grey's Fans out there, if you go to you can take the test of which grey's girl you are most like. I am most like Meredith....not shocking.

Side note: i start on thurs. at reitmens. i was out of work for exactly 1 week. I had 2 offers and applied at 3 places-i'll be getting another call yet-i'll prolly say no.
I celebrated reitmens by buying a new outfit....from riki's. haha. I'll buy from reitmens when i get my 50% off. I won't get discount at riki's so i spent the money on an entire outfit haha. I had fun. I don't have to work the long weekend-hooray! And if people are around and want to do somethin' let me know.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Some Silver Linning Perhaps

I do believe i am becoming arrogent-well when it comes to the job market anyway. I've realized something. I can have pretty much whatever crap job i want. I had 2 interviews at reitmens and 1 interview/job offer at cleo. Even though cleo can gaurantee me lots of hours, i do believe i will take reitmens(providing they hire me-though she said she really wants me there-it's just reference calling now). Cleo has many rules to dress and i don't find the need for pantyhose in my life at all-definitely a bonus for reitmens. Also with reitmens, i don't have to work every sunday as i would at cleo. If i don't get enough shifts at reitmens, i will then apply somewhere else part time-but i think i'll see how this goes-providing i get hired. : )
I'm not saying anything anything about all the current stresses in my life-today i am attempting to be positive and to know that i am loved. Everything else can wait until tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

200th Post

You would think i'd have something betther then this for a 200th post...but i don't, i really don't.
This is what comsumes my non-working time now when i'm not suntanning...sigh. For all those who played bubble bobble...

Monday, May 07, 2007

And the Screw You's Continue

Seriously??!!! I know God doesn't allow us more then we can handle-but seriously??? I do believe i am quite close to the edge of what i'm capable of.
So, on top of dealing with the funeral, dad got rather ill last week(he's on med's now and has to go for more testing yet again) NOW i find out YESTERDAY that TODAY is my LAST day at the shoe store. What the frick?! Here's the kicker-today i have been there 3 months. After asking if i was being let go 2 weeks ago and told no-i would never fire u.....what the crap. People are dumb.
hope you're all having a better week then me.
by the way-to the people i spent saturday eve with....i had a really good time. A definite bright spot in an otherwise crappy weekend. : )

Friday, May 04, 2007


Anyone interested in joining me on a roadtrip/concert? Josh Groban is on tour and i would really really like to go-of course he's skipping sk on the tour...sigh. He will be in Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg and Vancouver. They are all in August. If anyone is interested let me know.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My grandma's funeral was yesterday. A very long day. I was a pallbearer, my back is sore today. An entire day of people asking me who i belong to. I wanted to make a nametag saying... "I belong to...." or else i think we should all wear family trees while attending menno. funerals. I'm still quite worn out.
I'm applying for another job in lawson mall due to a major cut of hours at the useless shoe place.
My dad got sick the day of the funeral. We're not quite sure if it's something serious or not. He isn't throwing up anymore at least.
I'm thankful to mark and scotty for going out for nachos and giggles on mon. nite. I don't think i would have made it through the funeral day without having that crazy fun nite before. Man did we laugh.