Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hooray...and a Yippy!!

The first 2 days without a computer were rather torcherous(it crashed saturday nite)...but the next two days, i hardly noticed it was gone. Kind of a blessing of sorts. I got tons of stuff done in the last couple of days-though i would have had to whether the computer was here or not.
-I drove mom and dad to the airport
-took the 'puter to get fixed
-took my car to get the molding reglued-though i have to go back again.urgh
-picked up my new spec's and contacts
-got a new job
-visited grandpa in the hospital
-picked up food
-worked on a wonderful friends afghan
-shoveled the driveway twice--every time i finish-it starts snowing again-i quit
-got food poisoning
no wonder i'm tired!!


Saturday, January 27, 2007

oh dear

so mom and dad have been getting ready all week to leave for mexico-mom has been packing all day....
we just got a call from my aunt that my grandpa is in the hospital with blocked arteries. he's already had a sex (that's right sex) bypass years ago. (that means that they had to fix 6 out of the 7 arteries leading to his heart) so ya. please pray...and his wife(my grandma) is in a home (he goes to feed her every day)
so i really hope he is okay..and not just because i want my party.... last year, just before they left, my grandma had health trouble too.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

so it's really time to face the fact that i need a second-or third or whatever job. i don't have enough money to comfortably be paying off debt as i would like and i don't get enough hours....and well, i'm really not working for the city school board-they tick me off.

Any suggestions for a part time job? and i mean realistic suggestions. : ) and no, i am not going back to tim hortons...or macdonalds.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

argh. it's frustrating. i think to myself, 'self, i would like to invite peopel over for a small sized potluck. Then i realize how many people i haven't seen in awhile and after mentioning it more people know...sigh...the idea will be re-vamped i believe. Though, i'm sure no less fun.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Loner Me

I have a fabulous afternoon after a trying morning. I don't know what was up with 'my' kid today...every time i told the student to work all i got was a frown and a 'no'. argh. Empty threats only go so far.
Anyway, onto my great afternoon instead. I ate lunch at school which was nice because i don't normally do that and to actually connect with some staff was good. Then i took off for my eye appointment at which my doctor gave me crap for not coming sooner and wearing my contacts too long and using not good enough solution, but oh well i was glad to have it done...and paid for haha. My doc. is in, i hate that place-especially during high school finals-so many punks. I then went to Eyes Int. to put in an order for contacts and looked around. Man, they have super bad service-and i knew this from past times-but they usually have deals. Though i left due to lack of help. I thought hey, stop at lawson just in case. HA! So, i highly recommend Vision Makers in Lawson Mall. I know from going with mom and going this time alone-the guy is super helpful and when i said i should have come with my contacts he gave me a free pair! And not some crap quality ones either- better then i have been wearing haha. He was super helpful and i think i may have found new glasses(though i'll see if i actually wear them hehe). So, when i get new glasses i also get a deal on contacts which are half the price of Eyes Int. So i definitely cancelled that order at Eyes. Stopped at star buckers to use some of the gift cards i have. I think someone needs to come with me so i can get rid of more of the money though. I'm not super big on buckers. Ran to parables to pick up the book i ordered and was worried b/c they said it was 'damaged' in shipping. Really, there wasn't anything terribly wrong and most people wouldn't be able to tell-but it got $8 off the book so really i won't complain! And thanks to a grade one i had a gift cert. so the book cost me $4 something. : )

Basically, the just of the super long paragraph....i had a great afternoon. I had an eye exam, looked at glasses, got a free pair of contacts while looking, got a frappe at star bucks, picked up a book ordered....and it all cost me........$4-something! HOORAY!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Around School

The school from the highway...behind bushes haha.

This is after the blizzard...not of 07...but the one i call Wilf...the blizzard called Wilf.
Notice, that the snow is covering 3/4's of the windows. You can just see a little bit of the tops.

This is the area where i park. It's a little more difficult now with that massive snow pile. I guess i didn't realize that Bryson had made the window messy while scratching off ice haha.

The other half of the snow pile in the picture above. Some girls on staff said they wanted to crazy carpet down...i thought...ooowwww.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Fun, Food and Laughter

Oh my goodness. I don't remember the last time i've enjoyed being with people that much. I went thinking, man, i don't know if i even liked the movie when i saw it, but really, being with the people would be great. watching a funny movie, with fun people...oh priceless. I really do wish i had a memory and could remember the quotes.
Huge thanks to Jer and Rie for the absolutely fabulous food. Again, glad there wasn't more people haha. Deep fried goodness.

man, how is he still single?

I'm not even going to explain...

Really, should i have been surprised that the nite ended with Jer in a toga? Oh well, he made good wings.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I looked outside this morn at the early hour of 630am and thought, man this is going to suck. But, i thought, hey, i'll try to get to Rie and Jer's and if it's too bad i'll call and say i can't make it. Just as i had one arm in my jacket Rie called to say don't bother. And with the warning that even Jer wasn't about to risk the highway so i should stay home as well. After getting off the phone, i thought to myself, "Self, you only have a half-tim job, seriously you want to risk your life and your car for 3 hours of work? Thats just stupid". I then called the pricipal and told his wife i wasn't going 8am, they closed all highways around Stoon (actually, and N. Battleford, Meadow Lake, and PA. and then later the bridges in the city and Circle Dr. eesh) I then got back into pj pants and curled up on the couch. I quite enjoyed that. Although there were a few moments of sigh what should i do now....i'm glad i stayed. I figured it was also time to make the brownies in a jar from one of my gr. ones. A blizzard and warm inside with brownies and a banana bread in the oven....sigh...i am content.
I am keeping all those who venture outside and all the poor homeless people in my prayers today.

So, is it odd that i'm craving a slurpee during a -33 day of blizzard? mmm...still not leaving.

i shot these after the post in a moment of boredom.

my street
I opened the door to get the mail...

Usually i can see down our street and down the half of the next one...hmmm.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

I've added a few pic.'s from New Years' to my flikr site. i'll add a few more later too maybe.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy Easter Indeed

Ever get tired of saying the same thing over and over and over again....ya.

New years eve was a crazy whirl wind day of wonderful. I went to church in the morning(and had someone to sit with!) and chatted with people i haven't seen in awhile. I then rushed home to change and pack my car with things needed for the evening. I hopped into moms car(with her) and we headed to Stoon Inn to meet some relatives for lunch, well brunch at 1pm. My uncle and aunt from Winn. were here and my aunt, cousins, and they little ones came. The food was really good-though i thought rather over priced. It was good to catch up and fun to spend time with 3 yr old Abby who is hilarious. She walks into the room and announces "I'm a big girl!" no hello...funny kid. I also saw Sammy who is 11 months already-it's crazy how fast little ones age.
At 350 mom and i raced home so i could grab my car(and pineapple) to get to my 415 hair appt. with Helen...(again, sorry for the lateness) Helen made me relax and enjoy it(thank you!). We then left the mall, bought a chicken and proceeded to ready ourselves for the coming eve and party.
It was really wonderful to see people I haven't seen in a long time. Even people from the city. It's become apparent more of an effort is needed to stay in touch with people. I'll have to try harder. A few games were played and laughs were had. A fun eve indeed.
