Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Book exert

"Why is television orrupt? The answer is suddenly clear: because most of the people who write for it and produce it don't know any better. Because Christianity is no longer the salt preserving our nation and the remnant still following Christ has vacated the fireld of competition. We've withdrawn to the spectators' stands, content to complain and ineffectively boycott sponsors who can't understand why we're upset.
I was a sinner, I still am a sinner, and I often fall short of God's holiness. How can I hold the world accountable to a standard I don't always attain?"
From: "The Debt" by Angela Hunt

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Outsider's Perspective

I went to C&C at Ebenezzar tonite. Man was exactly what i needed. i was kinda dreading going thinking i'd stay in and blame the cold. I'd been once before and it turned out to be the nite on marriage-no warning...*sigh*. I felt like i should go though, because i kept saying i'd go again, and well, after the last post on wanting to meet people i can't just sit at home waiting for people to come introduce themselves haha.
It was a smaller nite being term break, and we all went to MCC(heehee....i try a baptist C&C and end up at MCC heehee) for a tour, dainties, worship/testimony time and general chatty time. The whole evening was really encouraging. It's refreshing to go to a place where i knew a few people but was able to meet new people and have conversations with them instead of 'hi i'm so and so' and that's it. It made me stop to think though. When new people come to our church/C&C am i as friendly and caring about them as i was encouraged tonite. The answer is no. I've been sucking at that, and tonite i realized what an open community really looks like. I joke about being a snob, but i really have been to the people i don't know in my own church, and that's not right. *sigh* So...what now? I realize my character flaw and...i'm off to? I'm to love the new-sometimes strange seeming people as i love myself. Alright, it's going to take work, but i'll try. Keep me accountable.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


For the last couple months(since Sept. or before really), i had a goal: to meet new people. I wanted to make not necessarily new friends, but ones to add to existing ones. Alas, i have totally failed in my attempts. Apparently i am inept at meeting new people. I had a conversation tonite with a friend who also wanted to meet new people. I figure i need a dummie book-u know, 'Meeting new people for Dummies' or 'Making New Friends for Dummies', since i'm at a lose. Where does one go to meet people? I'm not about to go bar hopping, since that's not what i'm about, and the thought of church hopping for that purpose seems kinda wrong. (Though there are a few churches i would like to try once-more for curiousity of service) but i digress.... My job also doesn't exactly give me the opportunity to foster relationships. When you jump schools and never know where you'll be working, it doesn't help anything, nor do the sometimes unfriendly/ignoring staff people. I think between this, and job uncertainty for summer and fall, it's becoming hard not to fall into discontentment. I know God has some wonderful plan for my life and hasn't shared with me yet, i just need some patience.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

I found this on Jenn's site and decided to do it while waiting for Greys Anatomy which seems to be an hour late tonite.
25 Random Questions:
1. When you looked in the mirror first thing this morning, what was the first thing you thought? time for contacts
2. How much cash do you have on you? it's in my purse
3. What's a word that rhymes with TEST? pest
4. Planet? what's the question?? that's dumb.
5. Who is the fourth person on your missed calls? prolly the schoolboard
6. What is your favourite ring on your phone? i like the downloaded ones, but can't use them or they stuck in my head all the time.
7. What shirt are you wearing? brown
8. What do you label yourself as? a child of God
9. Name the brand of shoes you've recently worn. Columbia
10. Bright room or dark room? i like bright
11. What were you doing at midnight last night? watching CSI
12. What did the last text message on your phone say? "Have a wonderful day Tamra!"
13. Where is your nearest 7-11? Warman rd.
14. What's a saying you say a lot? Sit in your desk....
15. Who told you they loved you last? hmm....ummm...uh...well...*sigh* i got nothin'
16. Last furry thing you touched? heehee, my jacket
17. How many drugs have you done in the past three days? zero
18. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? zero, even caught up with my dig. photos
19. Favourite age you've been so far? I've been alive for them all, so i say all
20. Your worst enemy? technology, and sometimes my car...i don't believe in human enemies
21. What is your current desktop picture? green
22. What was the last thing you said to someone? i like it
23. If you had to choose between a millions bucks and being able to fly, which would you choose? the $$ i could do so much better things for myself and others with $$ rather then fulfilling a desire...well, one i don't really have being afraid of heights.
24. Do you like someone? i like lots of people, i have good friends...crush? definitely not
25. The last song you listened to? i don't remember. i'm trying out silence instead.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Ho Hum

My Shanny has left me.....well, for 6 months anyway. I hope she(you) have a wonderful time in Japan. When in doubt, just refer to your 'travel book' *wink* : ).

So, i worked all of 9 stinking hours this week...all mornings, which is good because it got me out of bed...but honestly! I'd be soo screwd if i didn't live at home right now. Even though it drives me nuts when dad randomly moves my things around, and can ask 100 questions in a very short amount of time, it is much better then the alternative. God bless parents.

Still crocheting, if u want something made, let me know.

Still not sure what my plans are for summer...yes i realize it is a few days away, but remember...i am the uber planner.

Still not 100% healthy-and really what else is new?

OOh! I just finished a really good book. It's called "The Canopy" by Angela Hunt. It's about these science research people who go to the Peru jungle. That's all i'll say about the story line. : ) It wasn't your 'typical' cheesy Christian novel. I tend to get more 'fluff' kind of books from the church so that i can fall asleep at night.....well, i was out every night this week, and read the book of 396 pages in 5 days. It's one, I think i'll have to if u want to borrow... : )