Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I have nothing interesting to i'll say nothing at all.

Friday, February 23, 2007


Today I:

- finished a 55 hour work week
- learned being lactose intolerant, i can't handle having a bowl of cheerios in the morn.
- saw a person with purple hair
- saw a person with a green mullet
- randomly chatted with people who worked around me
- didn't sell anything for over 3 hours due to lack of people
- drew a tree
- realized being fickle only ends up with wasted effort
- am thinking of a fabulous warm place i hope to enjoy
- am wondering how the guy driving in front of me didn't get smooshed by the idiot semi driver
- am thinking i need to wash my feet after 13 hours in the same shoes
- am also thinking it's time for a movie and coconut rum

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I think i can i think i can

Some break. after today i will have finished 39 hours of work. Now for regular people that's nothing, but for someone who has become accustomed to working 730-1230 it's a bit of a stretch. I fear i am becoming a hermit. I am around people now somedays for 13-15 hours and find that after that i just want to hide in my room. Therefore neglecting my fabulous friends. Sigh...i'm in need of balance. Though after crazy nasty week next week i believe it will get better. Next week i have 55 hours of work, not including the time driving between one job to the next. BUT the week after i only have around 38, so it will be more relaxing.
The bonus to working so much is that i don't go out for 'coffee' which typically costs around $15 a shot. Though Buck or Two is just a little too handy-though i'm sticking to buying water from there now.
Today is day 6 of work in a row...i have 1 day off and i do it all over again...but hooray for $$.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sweet wonderful sleep

oh blogger, you couldn't be happy when i had a nice short sign in name and password so you make me change it all...sigh.

I've officially made it through more then a week of working 3 jobs. Well, hanging out with B in the morning isn't really work but well it takes me away from home and so on. The kids at school were super hyper on friday-being the last day before the break and our Valentine's party. Some of the kids were literally shaking in their was kinds funny. My newest job has been good. I hate working at something where i don't know everything right away. I just want to be amazing at it right away...if only. I'm working at a retail shoe place with very expensive shoes....hehe...and i get my first pair like any smart person, i went for expensive shoes. : ) I'm already looking and trying on fabulous sandels...good thing i get a really good discount. So with these three places, i'm working up to 13 hours a day and still doing youth.

After being on the verge of sick for 2 days, i decided to skip church this morn and curl up back in bed. And i'm glad i did. i slept on and off from 1030pm to 1130am...and it was wonderful. I have today and tomorrow off of all 3 places and am quite enjoying the relaxing aspect of off time.

I also saw someone that people from the 'old' fgcc c&c had been wondering what happened to-it was funny...oh the Christian world keeps shrinking i think. Oh well.

Monday, February 05, 2007

coconut rum monday

so i bought the movie Failure to Launch...and in said movie, the crazy roomate of Sara Jessica Parker has Champagne Thursday...actually that happens a couple times during a week but anyway. So, i decided after a somewhat frustrating afternoon, it's officially.....da da da....COCONUT RUM MONDAY!! hooray.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

appetizer goodness

"Can I have a hairy beast?" This was my favorite quote of the nite said by Helen during our scattegories game. To which Shannon had told her "You have one!" pointing to Matt.
Yes, i really enjoyed having people over and seeing people i haven't seen in awhile. And this time i didn't even call everyone to see what they were making in case we all made the what if pretty much everything had cheese. haha
I have to say, what an amazing ice ring i made....well once some of the stuff melted and you could see the pretty fruit design. : ) (again, thanx to whoever broke up the pretty ice ring as they were 'stirring' the punch)