Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Shannon goes commando...well...

I had a typical Christmas with my family. Full of odd and craziness. Christmas Eve, my dad had snapped his glasses in half, and being resourceful, tried to glue them back together...shockinly it didn't work so well. Pam decided we were opening gifts after going to church at 10 pm, but dad started handing out presents. He was quite proud of the car mats that he bought the both of us. I have to say, quite an improvement for me. He also bought mom a diamond necklace...go dad! So, after realizing that dad gave himself twice the insulin at supper, he thought hey! reason for chocolate haha. In the middle of gift opening we notice, sweating profusely...hmm...oh good, dad's having a sugar low. Of course. Our family is special all right. OH! And our eve started with pam turning Family Guy on and there being a song and dance all about vasectomy's at which point the four of us stopped whatever we were doing to watch.

I now have my complete dish set-to go with the gravy boat i bought long ago haha. Really, all i need now are some nice cutting knives, spice rack, and oh ya....a place to live to put it all! haha.

Went to Shannons yesterday aft. to play a few games with her, her Bible school friend and her mom.....a few games turned into well...i think i'm gamed out for a little while haha. We played from around 3 pm to oh...9. Then we decided to go rent a movie to watch with Paul and Leanne. With paul joining the 3 of us(not shannons mom) to go rent he decided we should all talk in Indian accents....and shannon decided we should all have comb overs...good thing i was driving haha. It was soo funny at the place-paul talking to the girl at the desk, and wearing nasty glasses...and us 3 girls. I had to turn and laugh. oh my.

riiiggghhhttt....the title. Shannon went without socks to the store...she went feet commando haha.

AND...thanks to matt who again, helped me with bloggy issues.

Thursday, December 21, 2006


says the girl who is losing her voice and sounds like a duck. : )
Yesterday was a 14 hour day and today i was at school all day...oh my. Well, last nite, we had our elementary Christmas program. The nice thing about working in a Christian school is that it's actually a Christmas program and not some 'holiday festival' or some crap. It had a good message and i suspect that there were a few teary eyed people in the audience. My wonderful friend Helen came with me even though i left her to save our seats while i looked after my grade ones(The teacher was leading the drama so i was in charge of the kids-eep!). After tying 21 bandanas keeping them quiet and getting them in the right order onto the oh man. But it was fun. I tried hard not to do the actions along with them. : )

I also saw my fantabulous friend Amy on Tues. nite and Wed. for lunch. I really have missed the random giggle times, it's a good release from stresses. And a good conversation as well. Also went shopping with Matt yesterday for someone special's Christmas present.

Today, we had our grade one party, and the kids were hyper...and most of them coughing. Hopefully we all return healthy. I was quite surprised at the outpouring of gifts on my table. I have 3 gift certs., numerous baking items, a new mug, tea with cute holder deally and even a cookbook! It feels like Christmas already and i don't know where to put it all!!!! I'm thinking i need to have people over since i have a lot of chocolate items and am not so much a fan.

I also am almost able to change from one chord to another without stopping for like 5 minutes inbetween on the guitar. YAY!!!!

Sunday, December 17, 2006


I finally updated my links to include people i tend to read and deleted some old links...such as the contact site-seeing as how we've all been forgotten. : )

Monday, December 11, 2006


So, i was in a store today looking for grade one gifts and a mother with her little girl walked past me. I caught part of their conversation in which the little girl said something to the effect of I have enough toys don't i mommy? i have enough right? I'm pretty sure i made an odd noise as i walked past. I was so touched by the girl. Her mother squatted to her level and gave her a hug. It warmed my heart and thought good call mom. Thinking on it later i could have said something but didn't. Oh well. What a blessing in the midst of shopping.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


"Be still and know that I am God;..."
Psalm 46:10a

I was reminded of this verse tonite at C&C. It's something i've forgotten in the last while. I know that God is's just the being still part i have trouble with. Wait, that's not all true, i almost always know God is God, but i do go through doubting times. New still and know.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Sobering thoughts

Nothing like driving through what looked like a horrific accident scene in the morning to remind you on the fraility of life. On my way to work this morning, i drove past and through the accident scene on the highway to Osler. Apparently it was raining last nite, though, i really don't know the cause. I didn't think the roads were that bad, but after seeing such, i did drive slower. Pretty sure that was the worst i'd seen. The one car was missing most of the front half of the car and i noticed a front tire with a section of engine attatched down the road. Makes me happy to be alive.