Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Monday, March 26, 2007

I smell like summer

So after a not so amazing first fake tanning experience, i figured, well i paid the $$ i better use the minutes. After crawling in this time i realized that hey-if you pull really hard, the bed DOES close....haha so that's why i didn't feel anything last time and it didn't do anything. I am so s-m-r-t. AND by being able to close the bed i don't feel so exposed. There is no door at this crazy spa-just divider type things-and well-there is a gap. I've decided i don't care anymore-though with it closed you can't see anything-so meh.

I have a plethera of work shifts before i leave unfortunately, so i'll have to be extra prepared. I have 1 full day off and 2 afternoons before that will consist of packing, tanning and last minute things i forgot. 11 days...sigh.
The new full time girl never showed up and that's why i still have an abundance of hours. I mean, it's good in a way so i can pay this trip off-seeing as how in retrospect, i really should have used the money for other things-but it's too late now. Oh well, i'll continue saving when i get home for other such things.

Monday, March 19, 2007


So now that i finished making Helen's fabulous afghan(and yes it looks fabulous) i'm not quite certain how to fill my time at home. I mean i'm sure there's cleaning or other such things to do, but when i am just sitting and/or watching t.v. it was nice to have something to keep my hands busy. Sigh, it's all over, most likely til next year. I am tempted to start packing for my trip only because i know as it draws closer-i won't want to-i hate packing-and unpacking for that matter. My suitcase will likely sit in my room for a good week after i return. I need some projects to do especially with the shoe place cutting my shifts.

18 days til islan fun begins : )

Friday, March 16, 2007

ah relaxation

...sigh.... all i need is ritz crackers and josh groban ('s music) to relax. A wonderful way to relax after an odd crazy week. I'm glad it's done-and am hoping to eat normal food again soon.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Of Juice and Tow Trucks

Yesterday was a horrible day. I woke up at 3am monday morn. to realize that the world was spinning and i felt like i was on a ship. Thinking man, never again with the Mexican food and movie popcorn in one day. After 3 hours of sleep a well, never mind what else haha i decided that i could really just tough it out and head to work for 9.5 hours. Breakfast consisted of Ibuprofen and pepto pills...mmm mmm. It wasn't even too bad-until 1100. I guess the drugs had all worn off-man alive i don't deal well with acheyness at all. I get to the shoe store and tell the boss how i feel to which she says-i'm sick too-i'm going home-well poo-if i knew i had an option. I ended up working with the head honcho boss-good thing she knew i wasn't well-she was very kind. i was so ticked at my boss though. This week her and i are the only 'day' staff working because the other lady is in Toronto. sigh. Made it through work...get home, and get stuck-RIGHT in front of the driveway-directly accross the stinking driveway. SO i get out to get a shovel and am in water up to my calves...sigh....after shoveling and mom pushing-we call a tow truck and dad deals with him while i get out of the wet stuff and realize my feet are quite frozen and hurt a lot. stink. I decided to just stay in bed at that point. Though i had eaten 6 crackers all day and opted for some toast before bed....fall asleep at oh 930pm haha. Thinking well, tomorrow will be better...until i wake up at 3am yet again but this time with nasty fever and chills which last for hours...sigh. So i took the morning off of school and am skipping youth tonite-i'll stick it out at the shoe place since there's only one girl working from another store. Oh well it beats the 9.5 hour day it was supposed to be.

oh was also stuck too-which ended in another tow truck...

I think the city needs to get off it's............ and clean up our flooded half frozen crescent.



Sunday, March 11, 2007

Birdie Heaven

So, yesterday mom killed the poor little buzzardy looking birdie. I've realized i don't want pets(well besides walter the fish since he's already here). I can't deal with the dead part. Oh well.
I have had 2 whole days off of all jobs and it's been fabulous. It feels so wonderful to be able to lie in bed in the morning and not have to think about all the things i need to do-but to just stay in bed for hours because i can. The only problem with sitting around for my one day off is that my back/neck aren't used to it and are out of whack. This rather is annoying due to the upcoming 52 hour work week i have ahead of me. Oh well, i will muddle through. I'm trying to focus on the payouts this week. My other weeks aren't nearly so crazy with hours which is good. There was another full time girl hired and they had cut some more hours-and it's funny, i want less hours but not less money. Now that i have a little money and i'm not constantly in the red, i just want more. Man, it's soo easy to become selfish!!!! It was easier when i had no money. : ) But, back to relishing my last few hours of freedom before i need to sleep.

26 days til i leave. heehee....

and it was 29 today....

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Stuff and Fluff

I'm on work day number 8 in a row... i get next weekend totally off...sigh...i won't know what to do with myself.
The mall was quiet and boring today. This is what i came up with:

Two girls worked in a shoe store.
Sad for customers no more.
They took turns on break.
So they had no aches.
Sunday shifts are quite a bore.

heehee. Oh well.

On another more exciting note. I LEAVE FOR ST. MARTIN/SINT MAARTEN IN 33 DAYS! Yes yes, it seems like a long time, but really, a month and 3 days goes quickly-especially when you're working like a dog. It's an island in the caribbean and it has 33 beaches, great snorkling and fun bistros. It's owned by the French and Dutch which is odd, but i'm sure will be interesting. I've checked the beaches so not to end up at the nude ones. : )
Here is a link to one of the better pages for the place.