Thoughts from a Conundrum

an enigma wrapped in a riddle dressed in a conundrum

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Plans and such

It's funny how my plans are not God's plans. I have learned time and again when i plan my life out without prayer, it seems to go the opposite in every way possible. Funny how this seems simple and yet, my grasp of the concept hasn't been there.
I had been wondering/thinking about possible summer plans way back in January (i like to be organized what can i say?!) and i actually thought to pray about what God may want for me this summer. I thought about my different options and thoughts of going somewhere on a missions trip came up but i didn't know where. That Sunday, someone i had met the previous summer on SPLASH ( the missions trip to pierceland SK.) was telling me about different parts of their missions trip to Africa and out of the blue tells me to go to Panama-to led me to think-how the heck would i get there and whyfore?? Only to later learn that our church was sending a team. Odd, but God given-hmm... so i prayed....and prayed...and then prayed some more...just making sure God wasn't making a mistake. Well, i figured i may as well apply-what's the worst that could happen? So, as of today, i am going to Panama-the girl who has never been out of Can./US, never been on a plane, never been gone for 22 days away straight from everything. And so i said to myself-self, we're in for a ride. I'm scared, and excited-i know there is a purpose for me on this trip and already had something happen in my life because of it (that's something u'd have to ask personally i think).
I also did something i never thought i would do again-i applied to camp. I really thought i was done with that-leave it to the younger kids-but no, God says i have a purpose there as well-i don't know what and i haven't even received an acceptance dealy yet-who knows what will happen.
After this experience-i fully intend to continue praying about what God will have me do-it's really rather exciting i think-this way, all my ideals, my insane attempt at organization my numerous plans for my life are all thrown out and it's a continuous surprise of opportunities i totally wouldn't have considered before. As i said before-who goes to Panama? apparently i do-guess i have a lot of plans to make-better start praying now. : )
Good thing i had a sudden urge to start learning Spanish last semester!

Monday, April 12, 2004

Feels like Burning!

I had a rather uncomfortable experience with the bbq today. My wonderful mother said to turn both nobs on to high instead of the one i normally do. So, like a good child, i listened and pushed the igniter dealy a couple of times and it didn't work so i waited 2-3 seconds and then...bang-mother of pearl this huge ball of fire just shoots out-i'm just lucky i didn't pee myself or something. It would really have been wise to back up-however being the ever-smart standing in a fire ball u should really move kind of a person-i stood there wide-eyed. And of course, my mother being the mother she is looked at me and got rather scared-looked at herself, noticing since she had backed up nothing was wrong-however, noticing that the idiot who stood there looked a little different. The fire caught my hair, and not just on the top of my head-i mean i once had eyebrows and eyelashes. The smell was sickening and mom was freaking out, while i was trying to brush all the singed stuff off. So i escaped to the bathroom to check the damage. -lost a good chunk of my bangs-which won't be noticable until it starts to grow again -lost a good chunk of eyebrows which are still crispy -lost at least half of my eyelashes on my right eye-and i realized that i had really come to appreciate my eyelashes. At first i was more upset about losing my eyelashes then what could have hapened. Now, i'm thanking God that i didn't end up with crazy burns all over my face because those flames went everywhere-i was wearing a bunnyhug and they so could have started it on fire-it was at my neck. So, i guess if i have to live with singed eyelashes and a very slight burn that is no more painful then any sunburn i've ever had-then i'm okay with that.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004


Look, i'm back, well sort of. I've really felt lacking of something worthwhile to say. For once, i didn't talk just to fill space. I've been waiting(and not always patiently) for something to happen in my life and also on some decisions i made in the last few months. I think God may be testing me through a test of patience, and sometimes i wonder if i'll pass in the end. I know there have been times when i have failed and become frustrated and complained and then i get frustrated for getting frustrated and not being patient. It's one big cycle of frustration.
Anyway, what i was actually thinking tonite is totally not related to the above ramble. Tonite i am frustrated(ha-looks like something i need to get a handle on!) well, it's not a big frustration-something i've been thinking on latley. When an individual does something to help or be nice to another individual-usually opposite sexes-why is it that the person on the receiving end has to over think and believe the other has alterrior motives? I find people my age are really bad for this. I find that i grow closer to God through servanthood and helping others and in doing this become frustrated when people start acting 'odd' and treat me like i have a schoolgirl 'crush'. I think that we should start believing that people can do nice things without having a motive (or thinking-hey they want me).

on a side note-anyone who knows anything about camping in BC(Shuswap area) let me know.